Programs for a specific need
Understanding, illustration and implementation in your company, in relation to your issues, with your indicators case studies based on your data.
Our main fields of expertise
IFRS and Financial Accounting
International Accounting Standards, Consolidation and Financial Instruments
Management Control
Operational management control techniques in industrial, service, R&D, sales and marketing environments.
Business Plan
Long-term contracts management, projects financial modeling, costs to completion estimation and management, risks and opportunities, sensitivity study
Finance for non-financials
Understanding of Corporate Finance and appropriation of operational levers for Executives, Managers, Project Managers, Salespeople and Buyers.
Data Analytics for financials
Financial Data acquisition and analysis..
Statistical tools for management
Advanced projects for financials
Project cost/delivery control, acquired value, advanced simulation (Monte- Carlo), offer submission, costing of deviations.
Business Partner
Financial Business Partner’s role and position, assertiveness, effective communication and his team’s skills development.
Judgement and decision-making
Relevant financial decision-making, risks perception, ambiguity and the use of judgement
Training methods
We offer all training methods (possibly combined in Blended Learning) to optimize the cost-effectiveness ratio.
Our main sectorial expertises
Energy (oil & gas)
Aero and space
Transportation & public services (concessions, PPP)
Bank, Insurance
Mass market